Alternative financing and
delivery framework
Developed to help municipalities overcome barriers in financing and executing critical infrastructure projects, Graham’s Municipal Asset Partnership (MAP™) brings your essential projects online while you retain full control of your infrastructure.
Graham’s MAP framework is fully customizable for any size of municipal project. Our service offerings include internal financial and legal capabilities, construction expertise, design and operation services.
Sustainable utility financing
Keep your utilities AND finances strong
Preserve your municipal borrowing limit with a novel financing framework for any size of project. MAP introduces competitively priced project financing that keeps your cash flow strong.
Private financing, public ownership
It’s all yours, forever
Maintain control over every aspect of your rate-based infrastructure. We structure financing to ensure affordability and return all excess revenues to you. Control your asset, operations and surplus revenue while getting the support you need to deliver your project successfully.
Smart money without the wait
When you need it yesterday
Water, wastewater and other essential rate-based projects often sit on the back burner, lacking funding and attention. Don’t wait for traditional funding to take your project from a promise all the way to operation – Graham’s MAP can accelerate project delivery without compromising affordability, control or quality.
MAP in action
Wetaskiwin partnership
Faced with serious issues to cover the costs of a new project, The City of Wetaskiwin chose Graham’s MAP framework for the delivery of a $53M wastewater treatment plant upgrade. With project development complete and financing secured, construction began in May 2022.
Innovative financing
Demonstrate a forward-thinking approach to financing that uses sustainable financing, such as Green Bonds, for your next municipal infrastructure project. Graham’s simplified legal and financial approach is a customized framework that works while preserving your municipal borrowing limit.
A flexible collaboration to delivery
Given the urgent need for infrastructure development in Canada, our goal is to collaborate with you to develop resilient, sustainable communities. The Graham menu of services includes financing and construction – and can extend into design and operations. We’ll backfill capacity as you require.